Tuesday, February 9, 2010

We found it.

Well, snow in the town is lacking but out on the trails and in the mountains there is plenty for us --maybe too much for my own good. Chris says no more hill climb attempts :-).
The day started out with flurrys and we headed south on Madison Plateau trail. Scattered snow showers along with clear skys at times. Had snack lunch + potty break at Big Springs area. Along the way we did some off trail riding in some powder areas and one BIG boo-boo when I tried to be a hill climber with  a under powered sled and way too little experience. Half way up the hill I veared into the top of a sappling halting any further progress. THEN, the DIGGING started when Chris realized I was no where to be seen.
No, I wasn't buried, just behind a bigger sappling.
Thank god a snowmobiler with some (non Florida Experience) helped and got the machine headed down the hill and to an area I could manage to extricate myself from.
No more steep  hill climbs.
The day was going so well, and it looked like the sky was clearing in the direction  west back into Montana and Two Top mountain might be a good destination for some late afternoon photo-eye ball candy. It turned out to be outstanding.
Back into town and a great dinner and liquid muscle medicine from Bullwinkle's tavern.
 Day 1

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