Thursday, February 11, 2010

From Lionhead to Lower Mesa Falls w/plenty of flakes

In a steady snow shower, we first enjoyed the steep trails and views of Lionhead Loop.

We then flew through the flat valley on big pastures empty of any livestock. The fresh powder helps the ride.
There was so little snowmobile traffic, it felt like we were in the wilderness alone.

The trees got prettier as the new snow collected. Upper Mesa Falls were scenic, and there was a big group of riders there taking a snack break. Luckily, there was a functioning out house, because it becomes an issue when you're bouncing along the trails for hours.

We missed a couple of correct turns and ended up taking the  L-O-N-G way back and got into town just before sunset. Our longest ride so far, and we were asleep by 10:00. Still a great adventure!

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