Monday, February 8, 2010

North Ho too much snow- --West we go where's the Snow

Well after a way too short night we watched the shuttle lift off and headed to Orlando. Uneventful  departure to end in a much longer than normal approach and hold pattern in to Minneapolis-- snow storm and the plows were trying to keep a runway open.

Finally got clearance and landed only to have a 2+ hour delay.on the next connection to Bozeman. Did make it and got the rental car to make the 100 mile drive down to West Yellowstone. With a detour to a sporting goods store to replace Chris's snow boots that had a "BlowOut '" of the sole after sitting in our closet for too long . Too funny watching her walk with her sole flapping like a big dog's tongue under her foot in the airports.

Nice drive down on clear roads- less snow than any of our winter trips. The town is definately feeling the effect of less tourism.
Any way this is where we are and here is a map of the trails we want to ride on the next 3 days.

Good beer and food so far.

Click on any pics to enlarge for better viewing

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