Thursday, February 11, 2010

Can you Dig It

Well the last day of the 3 snowmobile days.
(Click on pictures to enlarge)
 Snow showers adding a cushioning layer of snow to the trails today.
For a change we headed north on the trails that loop around the Madison river and the lake north of town . These are mostly on more level type terain, and less forested areas around the lake.Signs advised that there may be bison on the trails but didn't see any there. Did see where the had been, lower along the lake edges.Big snow flakes falling most of the day higher up, away from town.
Stopped for a beer and potty break at Elmo's (noted steak place where the customer cooks their own food), and then headed for Big Sky trail. This trail is more rugged and has some extreme grades and and abundance of switchback turns thru heavy  forest. The groomed portion ends and then becomes boondocking trails. Yep you guessed it DIDN"T stop at the groomed  portion. Yep, guessed right again BURRIED my sled trying to turn around and go back. Damn hate when that happens.
Chris followed much slower down the slope and gasped when she saw me off the sled .D.A. again.
Then when I thought we should get hers turned around and proceded to do so  Glub Glub Glub down that one went also. WE"RE talking in 4-5 FEET of snow off the main trail and  at 3:30 pm.BOTH sleds stuck!
We dig and dig and dig to facilate an excape path and  packed snow under the treads. Got mine out after about an hour. NO way was I going to abandon the sleds and walk out of there.

Good, one free we now can not spend the night being bear nibbles.

Dug some more and swung her's down hill and got enough traction to extricate her's also, WE"RE HREO"S.
Made it the 25 miles back to town as the rental outfit was closing. What a great day to be alive.
60 year old heart's can still pump, but lungs have some issues digging what must have been tons of snow :-)

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