Thursday, February 11, 2010

Can you Dig It

Well the last day of the 3 snowmobile days.
(Click on pictures to enlarge)
 Snow showers adding a cushioning layer of snow to the trails today.
For a change we headed north on the trails that loop around the Madison river and the lake north of town . These are mostly on more level type terain, and less forested areas around the lake.Signs advised that there may be bison on the trails but didn't see any there. Did see where the had been, lower along the lake edges.Big snow flakes falling most of the day higher up, away from town.
Stopped for a beer and potty break at Elmo's (noted steak place where the customer cooks their own food), and then headed for Big Sky trail. This trail is more rugged and has some extreme grades and and abundance of switchback turns thru heavy  forest. The groomed portion ends and then becomes boondocking trails. Yep you guessed it DIDN"T stop at the groomed  portion. Yep, guessed right again BURRIED my sled trying to turn around and go back. Damn hate when that happens.
Chris followed much slower down the slope and gasped when she saw me off the sled .D.A. again.
Then when I thought we should get hers turned around and proceded to do so  Glub Glub Glub down that one went also. WE"RE talking in 4-5 FEET of snow off the main trail and  at 3:30 pm.BOTH sleds stuck!
We dig and dig and dig to facilate an excape path and  packed snow under the treads. Got mine out after about an hour. NO way was I going to abandon the sleds and walk out of there.

Good, one free we now can not spend the night being bear nibbles.

Dug some more and swung her's down hill and got enough traction to extricate her's also, WE"RE HREO"S.
Made it the 25 miles back to town as the rental outfit was closing. What a great day to be alive.
60 year old heart's can still pump, but lungs have some issues digging what must have been tons of snow :-)

From Lionhead to Lower Mesa Falls w/plenty of flakes

In a steady snow shower, we first enjoyed the steep trails and views of Lionhead Loop.

We then flew through the flat valley on big pastures empty of any livestock. The fresh powder helps the ride.
There was so little snowmobile traffic, it felt like we were in the wilderness alone.

The trees got prettier as the new snow collected. Upper Mesa Falls were scenic, and there was a big group of riders there taking a snack break. Luckily, there was a functioning out house, because it becomes an issue when you're bouncing along the trails for hours.

We missed a couple of correct turns and ended up taking the  L-O-N-G way back and got into town just before sunset. Our longest ride so far, and we were asleep by 10:00. Still a great adventure!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

We found it.

Well, snow in the town is lacking but out on the trails and in the mountains there is plenty for us --maybe too much for my own good. Chris says no more hill climb attempts :-).
The day started out with flurrys and we headed south on Madison Plateau trail. Scattered snow showers along with clear skys at times. Had snack lunch + potty break at Big Springs area. Along the way we did some off trail riding in some powder areas and one BIG boo-boo when I tried to be a hill climber with  a under powered sled and way too little experience. Half way up the hill I veared into the top of a sappling halting any further progress. THEN, the DIGGING started when Chris realized I was no where to be seen.
No, I wasn't buried, just behind a bigger sappling.
Thank god a snowmobiler with some (non Florida Experience) helped and got the machine headed down the hill and to an area I could manage to extricate myself from.
No more steep  hill climbs.
The day was going so well, and it looked like the sky was clearing in the direction  west back into Montana and Two Top mountain might be a good destination for some late afternoon photo-eye ball candy. It turned out to be outstanding.
Back into town and a great dinner and liquid muscle medicine from Bullwinkle's tavern.
 Day 1

Monday, February 8, 2010

North Ho too much snow- --West we go where's the Snow

Well after a way too short night we watched the shuttle lift off and headed to Orlando. Uneventful  departure to end in a much longer than normal approach and hold pattern in to Minneapolis-- snow storm and the plows were trying to keep a runway open.

Finally got clearance and landed only to have a 2+ hour delay.on the next connection to Bozeman. Did make it and got the rental car to make the 100 mile drive down to West Yellowstone. With a detour to a sporting goods store to replace Chris's snow boots that had a "BlowOut '" of the sole after sitting in our closet for too long . Too funny watching her walk with her sole flapping like a big dog's tongue under her foot in the airports.

Nice drive down on clear roads- less snow than any of our winter trips. The town is definately feeling the effect of less tourism.
Any way this is where we are and here is a map of the trails we want to ride on the next 3 days.

Good beer and food so far.

Click on any pics to enlarge for better viewing